“The photograph is a message more than a mirror, and the man a messenger who happens to be a photographer.”
Minor White
Welcome to this website and enjoy exploring it.
The site has Edward Stokes’ work covering almost forty years – from his initial years as a photographer and writer in Australia, to now publishing photos of Hong Kong and Asia. Photography and writing, and since 1998 publishing books and curating exhibitions, have been Ed Stokes’ lodestars.
“Having known Ed Stokes since the 1980s, I have watched the succession of his engaging and impressive photo books unfold. All were generated by his own talents, energy, and determination. His has been a true stewardship of the work of past photographers, with the resulting recognition of their continued legacy for the present and future. Ed’s current and planned photo books and exhibitions promise to continue this valuable work.”
Gael Newton AM
Curatorial Consultant
Former Senior Curator of Photography
National Gallery of Australia

Join Edward Stokes On A Virtual Tour
See The June 2023 HKU Photography
Exhibition Colours of Hong Kong.
Edward Stokes is an Australian photographer, writer, publisher, and curator. He grew up in Hong Kong and returned there in 1993. In recent years his key interest has been the photographic history of Asia.
Edward’s many books about Hong Kong and Australia have been widely praised for blending photos with illuminating historical texts. From 2008 until 2023 he was the Founder and Publisher of The Photographic Heritage Foundation. Ed was educated in Hong Kong, and at the Royal Australian Naval College, followed by reading Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Magdalen College, Oxford.