It is impossible to thank all the institutions, companies, and people – above all family and friends – who have encouraged and helped my creative career. All are remembered.
The institutions, libraries, archives, sponsors, co-publishers, exhibition venues, and production companies that I have worked with in recent years are thanked sincerely – recalling many mutually enjoyable collaborations. For those acknowledgements, please visit – www.photo-heritage.com
The people I am associated with through The Photographic Heritage Foundation and from previous work, in Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States are thanked below.
First, my special thanks to those whom I work closely with – click here to view their captioned photos.
Lee Fook Chee, Peter Jolly, Raymond Lum, Alastair Morrison
The Photographic Heritage Foundation
Bernard Charnwut Chan, Professor Wang Gungwu
Helmuth Hennig, Peter Aherne, Nicholas Kitto
Dr Helmut Sohmen, John Richardson
Robert Baxter, Norman de Brackinghe, Ko Tim-keung, Liu Kin-ming, Colin Tillyer
Dr Gary Ades, Don Brech, Jennifer Chan, Dr Libby Chan, Denise Chau, Winnie Chau, Victor Cheong, Chris Cheung, Dr Patricia Chiu, Rogan Coles, Dr Peter Cunich
Dr Colin Day, Michael Duckworth, Dr Anthony Ferguson, Brett Free, Cherry Fung,
Roz Keep, Dr Florian Knothe, Laurence Lai, Garfield Lam, Johnny Lee, Bruno Luk,
Rupert McCowan, Alice Mong, Juan Jose Morales, Gavin Nesbitt, Flora Ng,
Mike Rowse, Dr Joost Schokkenbroek, Millie Shing, Robert Shum, Peter Sidorko,
Dr Elizabeth Sinn, Bonnie Sze, Patricia Tang, Dr Helen Tinsley, Wan Wai-lun,
Richard Wesley, Camay Wong, Dr Wong Fook Yee, Jason Wordie, Cammy Yiu
Alumni of King’s College and Queen’s College
Dr Patrick S.C. Poon, Billy Lam Chung Lun, Kin-Chung Lam, Lee Shu Wing Ernest
Professor Wang Gungwu, Nick Doggett, Kelvin Ang, Ang Seow Wei,
France Goh, Linus Lee, Kelvin Mun with Lily Chow and Marcus Ho,
Ian Pringle, Peter Schoppert, Dr Kevin Tan
Dr Jay Arthur, Elizabeth Douglas, Liz Gregory, Greg Jones, Barbara Mobbs,
Gael Newton, Dr Peter Read, John Stokes, Elizabeth Weiss
Gael Black, Charlotte Bleasdale, Wai-man Lau, Natalie Marshall, Athol McCredie
Lord Wilson of Tillyorn
Clinton Leeks, Edith Marchant, Rossa O’Reilly, Betty Yao
Dr Thomas Hahn, Xiaohe Ma, Sharon Yang, Bill Comstock, Anne Sauer
Colin Tillyer and Christina Ng, Graphicat Ltd.
Rogan Coles, Murray Bourne